Human Exploitation Policy

Policy Statement:
At BIMeta Corporation, we prioritize upholding individual human dignity and ensuring that our platform is not intended for any type of human trafficking, smuggling, or the sharing of stories or evidence related to such activities. Our platform is specifically designed for Architects, Engineers, and construction teams to collaborate and exchange ideas in a safe and professional environment. We strictly prohibit any form of human exploitation and any content related to human trafficking or smuggling. Our goal is to maintain a focused and productive community for industry professionals.
Policy Guidelines:
Platform Purpose:
The BIMeta Corporation platform is exclusively intended for Architects, Engineers, and construction teams to engage in professional discussions, share project insights, and collaborate effectively. Any use of the platform for purposes unrelated to its intended use is strictly prohibited.
Prohibited Activities:
- Human Trafficking: Our platform does not condone, support, or allow any form of human trafficking, including content related to sex trafficking, labor trafficking, youth trafficking, or any other illegal exploitation of individuals.
- Human Smuggling: Sharing or promoting content related to human smuggling, which involves illegal transportation or assistance in crossing borders, is strictly forbidden.
- Stories or Evidence of Exploitation: Our platform is not intended as a space for sharing stories or evidence related to human exploitation or any illegal activities.

Targeted Audience:
Our platform is specifically tailored for Architects, Engineers, and construction teams. Users are expected to utilize the platform solely for professional and industry-related discussions and collaborations.

User Responsibility:
Users are responsible for ensuring that their content aligns with the platform's intended use and complies with this Human Exploitation Policy. Any content found to violate this policy will be promptly removed, and the responsible user may face disciplinary actions.
Review and Revision:
This amended Human Exploitation Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with changing regulations and the platform's specific purpose. Any necessary updates or revisions will be communicated to all users and employees of the BIMeta Corporation.
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