Policy Statement:
At BIMeta Corporation, we are committed to fostering a safe, inclusive, and friendly community across all our platforms, including Twitch. We do not tolerate any acts or threats of violence, as they undermine the positive and collaborative environment we strive to create. To maintain the integrity of our community, we have a zero-tolerance approach towards violence and threats on Twitch. Any account associated with such activities will face immediate and indefinite suspension.
Policy Guidelines:
Definition of Violence and Threats:
a. Violence: Violence includes any physical harm or aggressive behavior intended to cause injury or damage to an individual, a group, or property.
b. Threats: Threats encompass verbal or written statements that suggest intent to commit acts of violence against individuals, groups, or property. This includes direct threats, indirect threats, and veiled threats.
Zero-Tolerance Violation:
a. Immediate Suspension: Any user found engaging in acts or making threats of violence on BIMeta's platform will have their account immediately and indefinitely suspended.
b. Seriousness of Violation: The severity of the violent act or threat will be considered when determining the appropriate response, which may include legal action and cooperation with law enforcement authorities, if necessary.
Examples of Violations: The following are examples of behaviors that constitute a violation of the Violence and Threats Policy on BIMeta's platform:
a. Engaging in physical fights or altercations during live streams or offline content.
b. Displaying weapons in a threatening manner or making threats to harm oneself or others.
c. Threatening to commit acts of violence against an individual, group, or organization.
d. Encouraging others to engage in violent behavior or promoting violent ideologies.
e. Engaging in cyberbullying or harassment that escalates to violent threats.
f. Sharing content that showcases harmful stunts or activities likely to cause injury.
g. Revealing personal information or doxing someone with the intention of inciting violence against them.
Reporting Violations:
a. Reporting Mechanism: Users who encounter instances of violence or threats on BIMeta's platform are encouraged to report them immediately through the platform's reporting system or directly at
[email protected].
b. Confidentiality: All reports will be treated confidentially, and no retaliation will be taken against individuals making good-faith reports.

Education and Awareness:
a. Community Education: We will provide educational resources and awareness campaigns to promote understanding and prevention of violence within our community.
b. Responsible Use of Platform: Users are responsible for their actions and interactions on BIMeta's platform. They must refrain from engaging in any behavior that violates this policy.
Review and Revision:
This Violence and Threats Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with changing regulations and best practices. Any necessary updates or revisions will be communicated to all BIMeta's platform users and employees of the BIMeta Corporation.
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