Youth Safety

Youth Safety

Policy Statement: At the BIMeta Corporation, we are committed to creating a safe and secure online environment for all users. Our platform is not designed or intended for use by any individual under the age of 18. We strictly prohibit minors from accessing our platform and will take necessary measures to ensure compliance. As part of our dedication to youth safety, we will promptly report any illegal content or activity involving minors to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), which collaborates with global law enforcement agencies. Engaging in such activities or accessing inappropriate content will result in immediate and indefinite suspension from our platform.

Minimum Age Requirement:
Our platform is only accessible to individuals who are 18 years of age or older. Any user found to be under the age of 18 will have their account immediately suspended.
Age Verification:
We will make reasonable efforts to verify the age of users upon registration. However, since it is not always possible to confirm the age of users accurately, we rely on users' honesty to abide by our age restriction policy.
Reporting Illegal Content or Activity:
Any user who encounters illegal content or suspects inappropriate activities involving minors on our platform is required to report it immediately to either [email protected] or our web portal. Reports will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Cooperation with Law Enforcement:
We are committed to cooperating fully with law enforcement agencies, including the NCMEC and other global authorities, in their efforts to address illegal activities involving minors.
Consequences for Violations:
Users found engaging in illegal activities or accessing inappropriate content related to minors will face immediate and indefinite suspension from our platform. In severe cases, we may also pursue legal action.
Educational Efforts:
We will regularly provide educational resources and guidelines to promote awareness of online safety and the responsible use of technology among our users.

Privacy and Data Protection:
The privacy and security of all users, especially minors, are of utmost importance. We adhere to strict data protection practices and comply with relevant data privacy laws.

Parental Controls:
We encourage parents or legal guardians to monitor their children's online activities and use parental control tools and software to ensure safe internet usage.
Review and Revision: This Youth Safety Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with changing regulations and best practices. Any necessary updates or revisions will be communicated to all users.

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